Organizing first party in years

bday balkon

So yes, finally, after 4.5 years we’ve organized a party at our home. And we’re damn proud we did a great job. Our daughter Amé turned 3 years old and I was determined to organize a birthday party for her. She loves birthday parties, cakes, ice cream and presents so I wanted to make her heart sing with joy. My partner and father of Amé has been out of the party game for three years now. He is still suffering a continuous headache. Anyhow, let’s focus on the party joy.

Our daughter wasn’t able to rest the whole morning so when the party was about to start she went to bed to take a nap. Hearing the noises of the first guests she yelled out for mommy. Miss party girl wanted to go downstairs. The kids were having so much water fun. They started out on the balcony playing with boats. After the singing and eating the birthday cake we moved to a communal garden. There the water joy went on with water guns; shooting water is fun for everyone, young and the somewhat older guests.

While a group of guests were playing in the communal garden my mom and sister were preparing the food. I invited everyone like two months before, but only one week before the party my mom phoned me asking me what I had prepared. Well, mom, I will prepare different cakes, ice cream and the activities for the children. ‘And the food, what about the food? she asked. You must feed the family coming from a far. You should send them home well fed. That’s how it goes. I will help you.’ But mom…all my ‘but’s disappeared with the air I exhaled. ‘I will prepare a very simple dish, it’s ok, I will manage.’ She didn’t even tell me what she would prepare and I didn’t even bother to ask her, because I knew she wouldn’t tell me.

We had chicken à la mama style (Chinese) and several vegetable dishes going along with that; carrot, mushrooms, tomatoes and string beans. As a dessert we served homemade banana chocolate ice cream on a stick. After having finished their meal the kids went on playing with the presents. Blowing bubbles was the last outside activity. Even though I prepared the activity by buying the goods the kids initiated it on the balcony. Where was I? I believe I was eating and enjoying my meal, my rest. Talk about rest. I rested two full days after the party, highly sensitive as I am.

I loved the presence of family and friends. My partner and I agreed to do this more often. Perhaps not on this scale, but just to bring people together, reconnect and have fun. On a food note: there was no candy, only watermelon, pineapple and strawberries. All fresh and luscious.

bday binnentuin


One response to “Organizing first party in years”

  1. […] Op het verjaardagsfeest van mijn dochter (is drie geworden) bood een oom van me aan om binnenkort eens langs te komen. Het had te maken met mijn verjaardag. Ik reageerde razend enthousiast en riep uit ‘dan wil ik wel een motorritje maken’. En dat was precies wat hij in gedachten had. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. Op woensdag 31 juli, één dag voor mijn verjaardag, werd ik door de motor opgehaald. Het werd een ritje naar Scheveningen. Ik kreeg een motor outfit aan van zijn vrouw met bijpassende helm. Het zat als gegoten. Geweldig! Mijn oom werkt als politie agent in Amsterdam en hij gebruikt zijn motor zoals de meeste een auto gebruiken. Aan zijn communicatie merkte ik dat hij meer van plan was dan zomaar een ritje. O,jee, de snelweg, dacht ik. Dat is eng! De zenuwen begonnen hun weg in mijn buik te vinden en ik koppelde terug dat ik een kort ritje prima vond. Hij gaf aan dat hij met een bijrijder extra veilig rijdt. […]

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